Searching for a Daily Balance

To achieve inner peace and spiritual harmony we must stay on the path of light. Browse the following article to deepen your self-knowledge.

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18

Peace is having the conviction and assurance that we have surrendered control of our lives to the Lord. By placing our faith in Him, we gain peace in the midst of life's conflicts.

Let us remember that the Lord's will is always perfect and, therefore, we must exchange our anxiety for commitment and faith in our heavenly Father.

When we fully understand what it means to be children of God, we can remain balanced and not fall into despair. We should not feel ashamed to surrender our heaviest burdens and deepest anxieties to Him. The Most High has taught us that we can rest assured that He will do what He deems best for our lives. 

Surely there will be many times when we must go through painful and difficult times, when we will feel that there is no way out.

The Word of our Father God exhorts us to understand that, even in the midst of the most demanding trials, He will keep in perfect peace anyone who trusts in His eternal grace.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

The road to achieving our personal goals can be arduous and full of challenges that leave us disoriented and perplexed, not knowing which direction to take or what are the right decisions to make.

This emotional buildup can generate anguish and worry, which can lead us to stray from our goals because we feel we cannot cope with the burden, and we quickly give up, writing off the battle as lost.

However, we must realize that it is never too late to be reborn in Christ, who has always been by our side, sustaining us through His perfect Word and giving us the encouragement we need to live fearlessly and courageously.

The Lord encourages us to overcome difficulties hand in hand with Him, to fulfill the purposes He has designed for our lives.

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." James 1:22

To dispel the anguish that robs us of spiritual peace, we can begin by asking ourselves questions: what things can we identify as causes of our disharmony? What states or sensations do the problems we have identified produce in us?

But we must also recognize that there are everyday problems that, although exhausting, are easily solved. Let us try to solve these setbacks with joy and patience, for they are part of life itself. Peace does not imply a hassle-free existence. Every day we face different situations and many times the results are not what we expected.

When anxiety becomes overwhelming and does not allow us to carry out our activities normally, it is time to understand that strength and the ability to endure afflictions come from Him.

"I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears." Psalms 34:4

On our way to achieving our personal goals, it is natural to encounter obstacles and challenges that can generate distress and divert us from our purpose. However, by understanding that we have God at our side, we can find the strength and peace needed to overcome difficulties.

Prayer becomes a fundamental tool for maintaining an intimate connection with God, trusting in His will and receiving His guidance and comfort.

Through prayer, we find inner peace and the ability to face life's challenges with courage and hope.

So, in the midst of tribulations, let us always remember that we can place our burdens in the loving hands of our heavenly Father and trust in His transforming power in our lives.

Daily verse: