Our Goodness Comes to Light

We will have the opportunity to help and listen to the people who come our way. In the following article, we will walk through opportunities that the Lord sends us to put into practice each gift of his creation.

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

In the way of the Lord situations do not happen as we expected, but that is not why we should feel it as a personal defeat.

God in his divine wisdom is showing us other facets and learnings in our journey. We must be thankful for the things that happen to us. 

No matter what happens, we must analyze the way we look at the events that happen to us. In other words, there really are no good or bad events, it is only our way of perceiving events.

How about giving yourself the opportunity to change your perception? A new perspective will give you new airs, you will take the heavy burdens off your shoulders.

Just accept things as they are. We must keep a positive attitude, no matter if life keeps you for moments with worries or situations in which you don't know how to proceed. It is important to get up and continue with the Holy Spirit. It is necessary to change your focus and give yourself permission to be gentler with your being in order to be able to help others.

"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Galatians 6:10

Letting go of judgment and giving ourselves the freedom to love without prejudice will be the key to being able to accompany Jesus on this journey. The blessings bestowed upon us from the Heavenly Temple come to represent rays of illumination along the way. Life has a more subtle language, pay attention and flow with the Holy Spirit at all times and places.

We have many blessings and gifts in our body. Our mind and our emotionality, were gifts given by the Lord to each person to be able to empower them and put them as instruments of healing. We just need to start being more aware of it. 

The request for help and trust from a close person, a family member, a friend can be the beginning of a space for self-healing.

"The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does." Psalm 145:17

We must always keep hope in our Heavenly Father. Many people support this idea and it is one of the engines that moves the world. It is only a matter of faith, go step by step in the direction you set for yourself in all areas of your life. You will realize that at some point you will be helping someone with everything you have learned and expanded in your spiritual universe, just remember to keep your hope high.

It seems like a lot of work, but you will feel great when you see that you can help someone on their path of discovery. Your experience and your voice connected with the Holy Spirit, can calm and give respite to a being who is going through some complex moment of their transit.

Don't be afraid anymore, leave it in the past and start being something new now, take one step and another, go ahead for this personal discovery.

You are not equal to anyone, do not compare yourself, you are your best version and your ascent is inevitable, as Jesus guides you. 

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23

Neither sacrifice yourself for the happiness of others, learn to reflect and measure the scope of your words and your actions.

Those who truly know you will understand and will accompany you on your journey hand in hand with the Lord. To start doing things in a different way, we must begin today in prayer thanking for every opportunity to improve in life.

Looking for ways to expand our spiritual horizons, beyond our own needs, will allow us to reach the Lord's blessings.

Being a bridge of active listening, of an attentive and empathetic gaze, with a voice that is on the path of goodness and love of the Holy Spirit, will be part of our Father's divine plan.

The Glory of God, in his immense plan of life for his sons and daughters, requires involvement and that is why we must approach those who require help. We are the voice of the Lord, we will be able to give love and help those who need it.

Daily verse: