Past experiences can leave a mark on our lives, but with the guidance of faith, it is possible to transform suffering into learning and redemption.
We can choose to have a positive or negative attitude towards the situations that arise in our lives.
Every day when we wake up we have to be aware of the opportunities we have to evolve spiritually.
April is a month that will allow us to approach the path of light and love.
At times when we feel our connection with the Holy Spirit weakening we should remember these wise words.
Let us open our hearts and give space to those emotions that make us feel closer to the light.
You can find and revive that inner flame right now.
When we feel a detour on the path we can make decisions to feel enlightenment in our lives again.
Step by step we travel a path full of opportunities and learning.
Revelations come to us in life and many times we do not realize it.
We must meditate conscientiously on our decisions before setting out on our path.
Let no dream remain unfulfilled in your life.
Putting aside anger and giving place to the love of spiritual reconstruction.
Stop looking back, always living in the present to build a better future.
That unique energy, a divine fire that embraces us and guides us daily on the path of goodness.
The conscious pursuit of happiness involves focusing on a few basic pillars.