Past experiences can leave a mark on our lives, but with the guidance of faith, it is possible to transform suffering into learning and redemption.
It is an important time to gather strength and hope to make the necessary healing leap.
Contemplating the miracle of Jesus' birth, we remember the importance of this special date.
Sometimes it is necessary to determine where we are in order to be able to give that balance in life.
Special moments are approaching for the family and the gathering of hearts.
At a time when the World Cup is being played and millions of people are attentive to everything that happens in this sporting event, some customs are lost.
Feel that guidance to receive the miracle on your path right now.
A very important moment is approaching that we must receive in the best possible way.
We must have an open heart and a willing spirit in order to heal the soul.
Some wounds from the past may continue into our present day.
If we know the moments when we can ask for help, we will be happier.
Mistakes and deviations will help us to regain our strength and hope.
Some concrete steps to reach that unique state of healing.
The Future and our goals can be aligned with the path of enlightenment and spiritual evolution.
At all times and places we have opportunities to learn from our mistakes and how to say sorry.
Many times we have in front of us the answers we need to move forward.